Our offices will be closed Monday, February 17, in honor of Presidents' Day.
Meet Our Team: Shelly Simonson
Any person who walks into Lincoln Federal Savings Bank is a customer to Shelly – no matter who they are; coworkers, vendors, and customers alike. This attitude and level of customer service has propelled her through her career.
In her 25 years with Lincoln Federal Savings Bank, Shelly’s responsibilities have grown and changed considerably. In 1996, after graduating with a degree in Business Administration, she was hired by Jerry Maddox, former CEO, as a back-up receptionist. Now her role as Vice President – Administration includes anything from leading the IT and Marketing teams to residential lot sales and development and everything in between. Shelly says, “these responsibilities keep me on my toes!”
Shelly is involved in a myriad of volunteer opportunities presented by Lincoln Federal Savings Bank’s Lending Hands program. This involves various opportunities to give-back to charitable organizations and non-profits in the Lincoln Community. Shelly notes that, “it always makes a person feel good to help out.”
“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” These are words that Shelly lives by as a self-proclaimed look-on-the-bright-side kind of girl. When she is not at work, she can be found spending time with family and friends, reading, and cooking. In 2020, Shelly became a grandma. This milestone has changed her travel dreams dramatically. Now, spending time with her daughter, son in-law and grandsons in Idaho, are at the very top of her list.
Shelly’s office is located at 8400 Maddox Drive in Lincoln. To contact Shelly, please call 402-325-4821.