A Safer Way To Pay
Using your mobile wallet (Apple Pay, Google Pay™, Samsung Pay) is a safer way to pay. These mobile payment apps tokenize your card information. Tokenization results in your card information being displayed in a secure and private way.
Imagine losing your wallet; all of your cards are inside with the card number displayed and the security code on the back easily accessible. This makes it easy for the thief to utilize your cards and personal information at a point-of-sale or online.
Now, imagine the same situation occurred, but your cards weren’t in your wallet. They were stored on your phone in your mobile wallet. The thief would not have access to your cards for easy use. If this person stole your cell phone, getting to your card data would be a challenge. First, they would have to gain access into your cell phone. Mobile wallets require that you have a passcode or face ID set up as a level of protection.
In addition to the great safety features offered by mobile wallet providers, your Lincoln Federal Savings Bank Mastercard® debit card can be set up with alerts to notify you when online or international purchases are made, when a purchase is declined, and when purchases of a certain amount are made. To register for debit alerts, visit https://alert.smsservicesnow.com/Landing/LincolnFed.